PDM Announces Leadership Changes 

image of PDM Building

On July 1, we made an internal announcement regarding several key adjustments to our internal roles and accountabilities, none more important to our external partners than Luke Petersen becoming President of PDM. For those of you who don’t know much about our history, we started PDM (an acronym of the four owners’ last names, Luke and me being the “P”) as a small, local prestressed concrete manufacturer with only 29 employees. Today we are still a local prestressed concrete manufacturer, but we are now able to help clients by providing services across the greater Midwest, increasing our architectural precast capacity, providing full-service structural and miscellaneous steel, and by adding glass and glazing systems to our offerings (more on that in the future). We’ve also grown our 100 percent ESOP company to approximately 200 employees. Suffice it to say a lot has changed!

 As our new president, Luke’s natural leadership skills and proven ability to develop consistent and high-level outcomes, combined with the experienced leadership team we have in place and the overall talent we’ve developed over the years, puts us in a great position to service our clients’ evolving and growing needs well into the future. 

 With Luke and his team taking the reins of day-to-day operations, my focus will be to continue fostering our external relationships, developing future initiatives, and marketing our evolving precast capabilities, our growing steel capabilities, and our new glass and glazing capabilities.

—Adam Petersen

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